European countries which have opened their borders ahead of the summer holiday season

TBILISI(BPI)- Across Europe, governments have started to open their borders after weeks of closure during the coronavirus pandemic.

With the summer holiday season upon us, people have started to wonder whether they will be able to get away for a break abroad – and how far they will be able to go.

The border situation remains a mixed picture across Europe, with each country imposing its own rules and its own timetable for re-opening.

The EU has recommended the bloc opens its external borders from July 1 to 15 countries. These are Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and China (although China is subject to confirmation of reciprocity).

Member states are not, however, legally obliged, to follow the recommendation. The list is to be updated every two weeks, the EU says.


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