Bidzina Ivanishvili is world’s most generous donor in the fight against COVID-19 – The Telegraph

TBILISI(BPI)- “Former factory worker is world’s most generous donor in the fight against COVID-19,” the Telegraph published an article  under this title saying that “Bidzina Ivanishvili is the world’s leading COVID-19 donor per capita according to a new table of pandemic philanthropy.”

As the author of the article, Camilla Tominey said, “despite six and even seven-figure donations by some of the world’s leading philanthropists, the biggest coronavirus contributor per head of population is a billionaire you have probably never heard of.”

“The 64-year-old industrialist, whose £4 billion wealth equals one third of Georgia’s gross domestic product (GDP), has donated $30 million – representing $7.51 per capita in relation to the country’s 3.9 million population,” the article reads.


Among other the most philanthropic donors, Camilla Tominey mentioned an Australian businessman Andrew Forrest who donated 25 million dollars and Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s chief executive, who give away $1bn to fight COVID-19.

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One dollar traded at 3.0175 via Bloomberg trading platform

TBILISI(BPI)- Today the Georgian lari has lost  some of its value  via Bloomberg trading platform. …